Wednesday 14 August 2013

E-Cigarettes: A Harmless Alternative for Smokers

Are you one of those persons who have succumbed to smoking and are trying out various means and methods to overcome the addiction? You must have tried numerous ways but to no avail. Here is some good news for you in the form of e-cigarettes or electronic cigarettes. 

A quick glance through the electronic cigarette review will throw light on what it actually is, what are the good things that it will endow when people make a switch from the traditional cigarettes to these electronic cigarettes. The e-cigs are called as electronic nicotine delivery systems which are nothing but inhalers in electronic form. They vaporize a liquid that is present in the cartridges that is there in the device. The device gets ignited when the atomizer is activated and gives out vapour that is inhaled unlike the smoke that is inhaled in the cigarettes. There is a striking resemblance between the conventional cigarette and the electronic cigarette.

The electronic cigarette comes in with three main components.
  1. The Cartridge: This is a small glass or plastic or metal container that has openings at both ends. This serves as a mouthpiece as well as a liquid reservoir. The passage of the e liquid is facilitated through this cartridge to the atomizer.
  2. The Atomizer: There is a heating coil in this atomizer which helps in vaporizing the liquid. It consists of the wicking metal mesh and a simple filament so as to draw the e liquid inside. However, in some of the e cigs the atomizer and the cartridge are integrated into a single unit known as the cartomizers.
The Cartomizer: This unit comprises of the heating element that is surrounded by poly foam that is soaked in the e liquid and is a combination of the cartridge and the atomizer.
  1. Battery: This lithium ion rechargeable battery is considered to be the largest component in the e-cig. These devices can be charged with the help of USB or car charger socket or via an AC.

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